Developing an Action Plan to prevent malnutrition through improved early warning and scalable safety nets in Ethiopia.
Nutrition & Scalable Safety Nets in Ethiopia
N4D teamed up with the Centre for Humanitarian Change to work with the Government of Ethiopia and its development and humanitarian partners to develop an action plan to strengthen early warning and scalable safety nets in order to prevent malnutrition resulting from droughts and other shocks. The action plan identified steps to be taken to better integrate nutrition data into national Early Warning Systems (EWS) and nutrition sensitive approaches into the scale up of the Ethiopian Productive Safety Net Programme (PSNP).

Chris Leather
Our approach
In the first phase of the project we carried out a review of the literature in order to describe current early warning systems and nutrition information systems, the modalities for scaling up of the PSNP and Humanitarian Food Assistance (HFA) and the roles of, and inter-relationships between, actors involved in each. The literature review also involved a review of international good practices and guidance in the use of nutrition data in EWS and how this informs the scale up and targeting of safety net programmes. A comparison of current practice in Ethiopia and international guidance was undertaken. At the same time, we also undertook key informant interviews to elicit views on how to strengthen the integration of nutrition into EWS and scalable safety nets in Ethiopia. The literature review and interviews informed the drafting of an Options Paper, outlining possible ways forward, as a basis for consultations with stakeholders at national and sub-national levels. The action plan was developed through the consultation process in order to ensure the ownership and buy in of those responsible for its implementation.
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