Evaluation of the National Information Platforms for Nutrition (NIPN) initiative.
National Information Platforms for Nutrition (NIPN)

In October 2022, N4D was commissioned to study the contribution of the National Information Platforms for Nutrition-NIPN initiative in eight countries and make recommendations for increasing its effectiveness and sustainability. The main objective of the NIPN initiative is to establish country-led and country-owned NIPNs and strengthen countries’ analysis of nutrition information to better inform multisectoral policies and programmes for improving nutrition.

Carmel Dolan
The N4D Approach
N4D carried out desk-based research, over 100 key informant interviews and three country visits to asses the performance of Phase 1 of NIPN (2016 to 2021) across all countries (achievement of outputs and direct outcomes) and its potential contribution to indirect outcomes (i.e., those that NIPN aims to contribute to but does not control). We also revised the NIPN Theory of Change to differentiate more clearly between direct and indirect outcomes.
We used the OECD-DAC criteria for evaluating (1) relevance, (2) coherence, (3) effectiveness, (4) impact and (5) sustainability of NIPN. From these results, N4D made a series of recommendations to inform the implementation and approach for NIPN in Phase 2 and considered NIPN’s future potential and roll out. We have submitted a paper on the findings with our country and global colleagues to a peer review journal for future publication and NIPN evaluation findings have been presented at various fora. This work will also be presented at an open webinar in late 2023 or early 2024.