Other Work
N4D´s work contribute to our overall strategic aim of strengthening country led systems and processes for nutrition. Our current focus is on supporting local actors in contexts of protracted crises to lead the scale up of multisectoral actions by both humanitarian and development actors to prevent and respond to malnutrition. We work with global initiatives to help strengthen their impact at country level. We currently have a thematic focus on strengthening national nutrition information systems to inform nutrition policies and actions.
Supporting Countries:
Over the last couple of years, we have provided support to the Government of Vietnam and its partners in the development of the National Nutrition Strategy 2021-2030 and worked with the Government of Ethiopia to explore ways of strengthening early warning and the scale up of safety nets in response to crises. We are currently supporting the Scaling up Nutrition Secretariat in Yemen to coordinate the implementation of the Yemen Multi-Sectoral Nutrition Action Plan drawing on the comparative advantages of humanitarian and development partners.
Supporting the Government of Vietnam develop the National Nutrition Strategy
Supporting the Government of Ethiopia strengthen the use of nutrition data in early warning.
Supporting local actors in Yemen to lead the scale up of multisectoral actions across the humanitarian-development-peace nexus to prevent and respond to malnutrition.
Supporting Global Initiatives:
N4D has worked with the SUN Movement to inform its approach to knowledge management and learning up to end 2025. We also participated in the independent Mid Term Review of the Global Nutrition Report, co-facilitated the GNR´s strategic planning process to address the Review´s recommendations on strategy and governance and conducted a needs assessment and context analysis to inform the GNR’s programme of work up to end 2025. In 2021, we supported nutrition donors, UN agencies, business and civil society to prepare for the Nutrition for Growth Summit, hosted by the Government of Japan.
SUN Movement
Supporting the development & operationalisation of the SUN Movement Knowledge Management & Learning strategy.
Global Nutrition Report
The Global Nutrition Report: an independent mid term review and facilitation of the strategic planning process.
Nutrition for Growth
Facilitation of the Nutrition for Growth (N4G) Constituency Taskforce.
Strengthening Nutrition Information Systems:
N4D considers more and better, multisectoral data and evidence at country and local levels to be critical for strengthening national nutrition policies, implementation and accountability. We recently participated in a review of Nutrition Information Systems (NIS) in fragile and conflicted affected contexts and are currently undertaking an independent evaluation of the contribution of the National Information Platform for Nutrition (NIPN) initiative to policy making in eight countries.
Review of NIS in fragile states
Strengthening Nutrition Information Systems in Fragile & Conflict Affected Contexts.
Evaluation of NIPN
Review the NIPN initiative in eight countries and make recommendations for increasing its effectiveness.